
Welcome 🙂

My name is Kate Pullen and I’m super-excited to be launching Puzzlebreaks as we head towards the end of summer 2023. While Puzzlebreaks is brand-spankingly new, it is the sister site of Makebreaks.com which has 1000s of free printables including party printables, coloring pages and classroom resources.

I love puzzles and I love creating puzzles and it’s long been a goal of mine to create more free printable puzzles to share. While I have some free printable puzzles on Makebreaks, I wanted to create a site dedicated to puzzles and games, where we can focus 100% on puzzles and games – which is when the idea for Puzzlebreaks was formed.

PDF Puzzles for All Ages – From Beginner to Advanced

One of my goals is to make puzzles accessible to all. I am aware that sometimes puzzles can seem daunting, so as I create every new type of puzzle, I aim to create ‘starter puzzles’ to introduce young and new puzzlers to the genre from where they can then access increasingly tricky puzzles.

I hope you enjoy Puzzlebreaks, and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, use the Contact Form to get in touch 🙂