Welcome to our image Latin Square puzzles. These are our cut and stick version, which are ideal for people looking for something a little different. Just cut the tiles from the left of the page and use these to complete the Latin Square puzzle.
These puzzles are in PDF format. There are several different puzzle in each set which means that they are great for classroom use or at parties where players can have their own puzzle and there’s less chance of copying!
Rules for Latin Square Puzzles
The rules are simple:
- One of each image must appear in each row and column
- No image can be repeated in any row or column
That’s it!
Download Latin Square Puzzles -Level 1

These are our Level 1 Latin Square puzzles.
There are two puzzles per page with solutions.
Animal Latin Square Puzzles (Black and White) – 14 Puzzles
There are 14 puzzles in this set in a PDF file. The black and white format makes these a printer friendly option.

Dinosaur Latin Square Puzzles (Black and White) – 2 Sets of 10 Puzzles
Be careful with these 🙂 Some dinosaur look similar so pay attention to the different types! These printer friendly dinosaur Latin Square puzzles are in PDF format. There are two sets of 10 puzzle to download – with solutions.

Set 1
bw dino latin square -puzzlebreaks 1Set 2
bw dino latin square -puzzlebreaks 2Alphabet Latin Square Puzzles (Black and White) – 5 Puzzles, 2 Sets
These black and white Latin Square puzzles feature an illustrated alphabet. There are two sets of 5 puzzles with solutions

Set 1
bw letters latin square -puzzlebreaks 1Set 2
BW Alphabet Latin Square L1 Set 2Fruit and Vegetables Latin Square (Color) – 2 sets of 5 Puzzles

Set One
Fruit latin square -puzzlebreaks 2Set Two
Fruit latin square -puzzlebreaks 3Unicorn Latin Square (Color) – 2 sets of 5 Puzzles