If you have seen our Tatami or Patchwork logic puzzles but are not sure how to solve them, read on! Here is a walk through of how to solve Tatami puzzles along with some tips to help you keep on track.
Rules of Tatami Puzzles
- Each room contains one of each number/letter
- The same number can not be adjacent to itself, even if it is in a different room
- The total of each digit must be the same in each column/row
The most important thing to remember when doing Tatami puzzles is that the thick lines represent ‘rooms’.

How to Solve a Tatami Logic Puzzle
If you want to join in with us as we walk through the puzzle, you can download the puzzle grid we are using below:
Tatami SolvealongThis is an 8 x 8 grid with rooms made up from 4 cells which should each contain A, B C and D. Therefore we know there will be 2 of each A, B C and D in each row and column.
1/ Start With The Obvious!
This isn’t the puzzle we are using in the walk through, however I have included it to illustrate this point. Start with the obvious ones like this. Where all but one cells of a grid have been filled, it’s easy to workout the missing digit.

2/ Follow the Rules to Get Started
We know that the room at the bottom right must contain one of each digit. B and D are given, therefore we know that the remaining digits must be A and C. We know that C has to take the top position in the room because there are already 2 x C in this row (which I’ve circled). The rules say that there will be the same number of each digit in each row and column. In this 8×8 grid with 4 different digits, there will be 2 of each digit per row or column. Therefore we know the placing of A and C:

Important! Remember, there is no interaction between the rooms other than the fact that two of the same number can’t be adjacent to each other. Therefore, we cannot assume that D will complete the sequence as indicated below:

3/ Use The Rules to Confirm Placements
We know that the red box below will contain a B and A, however which should go where? When we follow the rules, we know that the sequence will be D C B A – because two of the same digit cannot be adjacent. Therefore we cannot place the B so it is next to the B already given.

So the grid will now look like this:

4/ Keep Counting The Placed Digits
Keeping an eye on how many digits already placed is also helpful when completing Tatami puzzles. Take a look at the circled digits below. We know that there are already 2 Cs and Bs in this column. We also know that two of the same digit cannot be adjacent to each other. This means that the only option here is D.

5/ Use the ‘No Two of the Same Digit Adjacent’ Rule
The ‘no two of the same digit to be in adjacent cells’ is helpful when eliminating options. As we can see below, although the two missing digits in this room are C and D, there is only one possible option to avoid two Ds being next to each other.
And, because this has now given us 2 Ds in the end column, we know that no more Ds can be placed in this column. Therefore we can complete the next room with B and D by adhering to the rules.

6/ If There’s Not Enough Info, Don’t Guess!
If there isn’t enough information for you to eliminate options, don’t guess – come back to it after you have completed more cells.
Tip: If you like, you could note what the possible options are for reference.
7/ Keep Counting The Digits
Because there are 2 Cs and 2 Bs in this row and one A & D, we know that these two cells will be A and D. We also know that 2 of the same digit cannot be adjacent, therefore to avoid there being 2 Ds together, we know that the digits will be placed like this:

8/ Keep Following the Logic
We can now complete the room on the right following the logic given:

9/ And Sometimes What We Don’t See is a Clue!
We know that the cells in the room on the right with the arrow are going to be A and B, however we don’t know which goes where.
Sometimes, what we don’t see is a clue! For example, look at the left and you will see there are two completely empty rooms.
We know that there will be one of each A, B, C and D in each. Therefore, while we don’t know the placement in these empty rooms – for the moment that doesn’t matter!
We can work out where the A and B will go by counting the digits.

We can therefore tell that the A will go at the top and the B underneath. This will give us two of each digit in these two rows.
And now we have these two filled, it opens up new options for us. We know that a B or D will go in the two highlighted cells – and which goes where?

If we use the ‘no two adjacent’ rule – it is clear where they should be placed. This now allows us to fill the two cells outlined. We know we now have 2 Bs in the column which are highlighted, therefore another B cannot be placed in this column which means they are placed as follows:

10/ Work Out Where Digits CAN’T Go
We can use the rules to determine where cells can’t go, thereby eliminating options and determining the correct placement. We know the D has to go where highlighted below because there are already 2 Ds in the left column therefore another one cannot go here (also, this placement would be ruled out by the two adjacent rule too). We know that the D cannot go at the end of this room because of the two adjacent rule, therefore this is the only place it can go:

And we can use the same logic to complete another cell. We know where the D in the bottom left hand room will go because there are 2 Ds in each of the other columns meaning it is impossible for it to be placed there.

11/ Watch for When a Lot of One Digit Are Placed
When several of one digit have been placed on the grid, it make things a little clearer as it reduces the options as we can see below. We know that the top room is completely empty, therefore we know a D will be in there somewhere, however, by following the rules and counting the digits already in columns as well as the ‘no two the same adjacent’ rule, we can deduce where the D should be placed:

12/ Continue Following The Logic To Complete The Puzzle
We can now go ahead and fill in some more cells. We can use the principles we have used up to now – which are counting how many digit in each row or column, making sure there is only one of each digit in a room, and ensuring there are no cases of the same digit being adjacent to itself.